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Most cases of trafficking in Delhi: Survey report, Delhi News line 8-Jan-06

A SURVEY- ‘Trafficking of Women and Children in India’, conducted by the Delhi-based Institute of Social Sciences (ISS) in 12 states has shown that Delhi leads in the number of victims trafficked, and that over 70 per cent of the victims were brought into the trade when they were below the age of 16.

The respondents to the study, including brothel owners, traffickers, victims and their customers, say that attempts to rescue the victims are few. In fact, a third of the brothel-owners say they had never been raided by the police. The rest mentioned three to 15 raids per year.

A total of 929 victims from 12 states were surveyed by ISS in collaboration with the National Human Rights Commission, UNIFEM and USAID.The study, published by Orient Longman, will be released tomorrow. >>>>