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Conservation’s frontiers

Tigerland and Other Unintended Destinations
Eric Dinerstein
Published by Universities Press

“With species going extinct at the rate of one hundred per day, the chapters that follow could easily be advertised as a lament to the end of nature…”writes Eric Dinerstein in the introduction,”… Instead, this book offers a more hopeful vision of what success would look like in various ecoregions if the dreams of conservation-minded biologists came true.” How important hope and faith are! Without these we would simply stop trying to save wildlife, considering its disappearance inevitable.

In each chapter we meet people working to protect the wildlife of the world, people who prove that individuals can make a difference. His writing is laced with humour – this is humour of the flavour of that draws a quick smile or a quiet chuckle, rather than a guffaw or a long-drawn laugh. The book does describe the hopeful vision of success in various eco-regions that it promises…. …a good read ….

Kumaran Sathasivan
THE HINDU, 22 January 2008