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The Impact of 1857

Rethinking 1857
Edited by Sabyasachi Bhattacharya
Published by Orient Longman

The papers on the theme ‘Rethinking 1857’ have been divided into four groups according to the thematic unity or convergence of focus. The first group addresses questions of historiography and interpretative trends, both old and new. The second is about the impact of 1857 on marginal communities, i.e. social groups, such as the Dalits or tribals who were kept on the margins by the socially dominant. An effort to look beyond the consideration that the uprising of 1857 was an exclusively north Indian affair is reflected in the third section on regions beyond the Gangetic heartland. The fourth section addresses from diverse angles the question of what kind of polity and system of governance and military organisations was posited in the rebel discourse.

Manju Gupta